Saturday, 5 December 2015

quotes I could include in my essay

"Masculine images typically convey power, strength, virility, athleticism, and competitiveness whereas feminine images show beauty, submissiveness, nurturance, and cooperation."

"Representations of gender in advertisements provide powerful models of behaviour"

"In adulthood, the sexuality of mature women is a central focus."

"While young adult women are assuming these provocative postures in ads that emphasize their sexuality, young men continue to express their masculinity in physical ways."

"Although the current trend in advertising tends to show the relationship between men and women as very masculine dominant and female submissive"

"In order to gain social acceptability, women are under constant pressure to correct their bodies and appearance"

"Kant thought that in theory both men and women can be objectified, but he was well aware that in practice women are the most common victims of objectification"

"It has been pointed out by some feminist thinkers that women in our society are more identified and associated with their bodies than are men"

"Everyone is already only an object and being only an object is not necessarily a bad thing"

Media, gender and identity by David Gauntlett 

"The traditional view of a woman as a housewife or low-status worker has been kick-boxed out of the picture by the feisty, successful 'girl power' icons"

"as women become increasingly assertive and successful, apparently triumphing in all roles, men are said to be anxious and confused about what their role is today"

"views of gender and sexuality, masculinity and femininity, identity and selfhood, are all in slow but steady processes of change and transformation"

"Gender inequality continues to exist in advanced industrial societies"

"men are believed to be especially more competent than women in male-typed settings (e.g. engineering, sports) and positions of authority, while women are advantaged in female-typed settings (e.g. childcare, communication)"

Women's roles in the 1950's by Nina Stoneham

"These advertisements often times showed smiling women with their arms loaded with cooked food, or a women cleaning house and looking happy and content to be doing that and nothing else"

"Many of the advertisements in the magazines and T.V. shows somewhat defined the role of motherhood. They were constantly aimed at feminine concerns because women were normally the ones that were buying the products for the house"

The sexy lie by Caroline Heldman

"I’d like to talk about specifically about the lie or the idea that being a sex object is empowering. I’d like to convince you that it is not empowering"

"Even though our sexual objectification culture is more amplified, we see more images, and 96% of them are female of sexually objectified bodies"

"there’s not power in being a sex object when you think about it logically"

"how does the social or cultural become so deeply engrained that gender identities and gender differences seem fundamental to who we are?"

"Gender equality is not impossible to attain – but the struggle is constant and is sure to have ups and downs"

"Men, for example, tend to be seen as more authoritative and women more communal in orientation"

"the distinction between the "man's world" and the "woman's world" is actually fairly new"

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