"to what extent does advertising construct our ideas of gender"
I want to research and discuss how and wether gender have started to become regarded as more equal within a modern day society.
O’Barr, W. (2006) Representations of Masculinity and Femininity in Advertisements [internet] available: < https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/advertising_and_society_review/v007/7.2unit07.html>. [01.12.15]
Papadaki, E. (2010) Feminist perspectives on objectification [internet] available <http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-objectification/> [05.12.15]
Gauntlett, D. (2002) Media, gender and identity [internet] available <http://www.theoryhead.com/gender/extract.htm> [03.12.15]
Fisk, S. (2011) How does gender inequality persist? [internet] available <http://gender.stanford.edu/news/2011/how-does-gender-inequality-persist> [11.12.15]
Wolska, M. (2011) Gender stereotypes in mass media [internet] available <http://krytyka.org/gender-stereotypes-in-mass-media-case-study-analysis-of-the-gender-stereotyping-phenomenon-in-tv-commercials/> [4.12.15]
I'm pretty set on these images to analyse within my essay; they seem to include the content I want to look at and they also illustrate my key points. I chose two advertisements from around the mid 20th century, and then one from fairly recently, I am going to talk about the sexism and stereotypes shown against men and women in the first two, and then compare them with the third advert, showing how the depiction of gender within advertising has changed over the years.
I thought while I was in the swing of writing about my essay, I would write up a quick essay plan and what I will include in each paragraph of my essay. I think this will be really useful for me as the thought of even starting my essay is giving me slight heart palpitations (they definitely aren't my strong point)
In my introduction I want to give the reader a quick insight on what I'm going to be talking about, which is how and if gender within advertising have started to become regarded as more equal, backed up by images and quotes from the sources I have included above.
I'm also going to talk about the generalised stereotypes of men and woman in advertising (and in general life) and how these are portrayed in the media.
’Representations of gender in advertisements provide powerful models of behaviour’ (O'barr 2006)
‘Masculine images typically convey power, strength, virility, athleticism, and competitiveness’ (O’Barr, 2006)
‘feminine images show beauty, submissiveness, nurturance, and cooperation’ (O'Barr, 2006)
paragraph 1
my first paragraph is going to mainly be the image analysis of the "don't worry darling you didn't burn the beer" advertisement for schlitz beer. I'm going to talk about the image as a whole but also link it to the expectation of women at that time, and that the norm in society at the time was for women to tend to their husbands and that males were predominantly seen as the 'better sex'.
‘These advertisements often times showed smiling women with their arms loaded with cooked food, or a women cleaning house and looking happy and content to be doing that and nothing else’ (Stoneham, 2001)
‘Commercials are the vast source of gender stereotyping, because they are adapted to the specific, either male or female target, and are “the reflection of the recipient”.’ (Wolska, 2011)
paragraph 2
my second paragraph will be another image analysis of the Potatoes advert. Here I will talk about the message this image is putting across, which is very opposite of the first image; I will also talk about how empowering the image was for women at that time, as it was deemed almost socially unacceptable to portray men as the weaker sex.
‘views of gender and sexuality, masculinity and femininity, identity and selfhood, are all in slow but steady processes of change and transformation’ (Gauntlett, 2002)
‘as women become increasingly assertive and successful, apparently triumphing in all roles, men are said to be anxious and confused about what their role is today.’ (Gauntlett, 2002)
paragraph 3
this is going to be my third and final image analysis, and this is going to be on the lynx advertisements. Here I am going to talk about the advancements (if any?) in the way gender and females especially are being shown within a more modern day advert. I am also going to mention the idea of sexualisation and objectification in the media, and how this is more of a recurrent theme in modern day society.
‘I’d like to talk about specifically about the lie or the idea that being a sex object is empowering' (Heldman, 2014)
‘Kant thought that in theory both men and women can be objectified, but he was well aware that in practice women are the most common victims of objectification’ (Papadaki, 2009)
this will be a paragraph linking everything I will have spoken during my essay, and trying to tie up any loose ends. I think this will probably be the most difficult one for me as it doesn't really have a main bulk of content. I think I will try and talk about views on whether male and females have or haven't started to become regarded as more equal, and arguing points for each.
‘Gender equality is not impossible to attain – but the struggle is constant and is sure to have ups and downs’ (Ridgeway, 2011)
‘the distinction between the "man's world" and the "woman's world" is actually fairly new’ (Sargent, 2012)
- do I need another paragraph in there? I'm worried this won't be enough content
- Maybe I could think about linking the american apparel ads in there somewhere?
- find more quotes and references!
- start to think about a visual response, get some drawing done
- start the bloody essay !!
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