Wednesday, 14 October 2015


‘The uncle Sam Range’ was an advertising image by Schumacher and Ettlinger released in 1876, that advertises a cooking range by Abendoth Bros. Although the image is supposed to be solely trying to promote his range, there seems to be a strong underlying message of patriotism within it; this is evident through the personification of the american government sitting at dinner with the world. The second set of images is from the series ‘Colonial progress brings home prosperity’ and was realised in 1930 by the Empire Marketing board. This is supposed to show the advancements within the east african colonies. 

The font used within The uncle Sam image is very different to that of the East African Transport one; The first being very bold and linking in with the patriotic colours around it, and the second also being quite patriotic in a way, as the font is link closely with the style of east african culture at that time; but looking aesthetically very different. The colours of the two images is something else that draws my attention too; linking again with patriotism, the images shown within it also link in with this, for example the bird sitting on his shoulder, and the sense of heir achy the people sitting round the table seem to have.  I think hierarchy also links with the second set of images but in a different way, as you can see they seem to be proud of the advancements they have made in the second image. 

The first image seems very smug to me; we can see the ‘earth’ sitting at the table with a huge list of foods, almost mocking other countries, for example it says ‘raw potatoes’ which we directly link to Ireland, and showing which they have exploited for food over time. I think this portrays a really strong message to their target audience, and almost forces them into thinking that if you don’t own an Uncle Sam cooker, then you don't support your country properly. I think the second set of images also is supposed to appeal to a white middle class man, trying to coax them into using the ‘new style’ to export goods. The difference of the people in the two images is obvious as well; in the first we can see many african women and children, whereas in the second a white male is pictured at the forefront of the image. 

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